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How many instances in history are there of faithful public officers being either banished or executed to gratify the prejudices of the people or their agents - there are instances of whole nations being brought to the lowest state of misery and distress by such occurrences — Mankind as a body are much like children They had rather believe themselves wronged cheated and abused by those in whose care they are placed than fairly dealt by - a child [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] when scratched with a pin, a thing which were nothing said he would think nothing of, can be made to cry pitteously by telling him that the person who scratched him meant to do it and that he is very badly hurt and that the fellow who did it ought to be punished &c. Nothing is easier to do than by this method to make him bawl and roar like a bull calf. The same process in substance applied to a mob or the lowest people of society will produce the same effect - Convins [[convince]] a man against his will and he