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Prejudice has been the cause of more evil in the world than most any other human fraility. and when we examine the nature of it, we shall not be surprised at the multiplicity of evils that flow from it. - Prejudice never leads to any thing good. It has always a bad tendency. It apposes all argument and all reason, - It is rash and headstrong. and in its mad carreer, bears down without discrimination all that opposes it- It often usurps the seat of justice. and sentences the innocent and good, to the most ignominous punishments.

How often do we meet with it in parents. They prohibit their children from forming connections in marriage with those of their choice because of a difference between them in point of riches, respectability of ancestry, religion, or politics, and by so doing in many instances have rendered their children unhappy forever after-

But prejudice is most to be dreaded when it appears in religion or politics. How many have been tortured and put to death on account of their religion. How many instances are there in history of faithful public officers being either banished or executed to gratify the prejudices of the people, or their agents. There are instances of whole nations being brought to the lowest state of degredation and misery on such accounts-

Mankind as a body in many respect are like simple children, they had rather believe themselves wronged, cheated and abused than fairly dealt by, by those in whose care they are placed.- A child when scratched with a pin, (a circumstance which were nothing said he would think nothing of) can be made to believe that he is severely hurt, and will cry most piteously by telling him that the person who scratched him meant to do it and that he ought to be punished &c- Nothing is easier than by so doing to make him to roar like

Transcription Notes:
Ended on 11th line but still [[?]] done