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a bull calf.

The same process in substance applied to a mob on the lowest people of society will produce the same effect. 

One might as well undertake to move a mountain as a man's settled prejudices - "Convince a man against his will and he'll remain in error still". - The Dutchman who was in the habit of carrying his grist in one end of a bag and a huge stone in the other by way of ballast could not be convinced that it was much better to divide the corn equaly  a half in either end- Tis true, after much persuasion he hove out the stone and tried the experiment- but to him the change somehow or other [[strikethrough]] to him [[/strikethrough]] did not appear advantagious.

His ancestors from the seventh generation down had carried the stone to mill, and the honest dutchman gave it as his opinion that had the stone been unnessissary they would some of them have found it out before his time - he therefore replaced the stone with a denunciation against all new experiments - any new discovery or invention that is calculated to benefit mankind has to labor under the opposition of prejudice- What did not Franklin Fulton and many others that might be named have to encounter on the score of prejudice before the world would be convinced of the utillity of their discoveries- It is just so with any new science or doctrine that may be advanced-

As an instance I will quote cranieology or bumpollogy as it is sneeringly called - almost every body is [[strikethrough]] railing out against it [[?]] it [[/strikethrough]] ridiculing it when perhaps there is not one out