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a thousand - take the community at large that knows the location of a single bump-

The constant study of mankind is how to touch the prejudices of each other- The success of the merchant depends almost entirely upon his knowledge of this science (if I may so call it).

A lady comes into his store - "What is the price of such a piece of goods" He immediately puts on an admiring countenance and spead the piece before her - Madam it is the finest piece of goods in the city - all the fashion in N  York. It was worn by Miss __ at such a ball - and every body said she looked angelic - It sets off a pretty face to great advantage - I have just sold a pattern from that very piece to Miss__ such a one. mention the name of some city Bella, &c. The lady prejudiced in its favor by such recommendations - [[strikethrough]] has [[/strikethrough]] becomes a purchaser when perhaps he has sold her a very indifferent article-

The physician has to encounter prejudice. His patient is affraid of callomel and thinks that no good can come from it - the Doctor who knows its value administers it under the name of an anti billious powder or something else and the patient recovers, and tells his friends that if he had taken calomel as the doctor recommended he should have been a dead man, &c.
I have known a boy to have the very best of fruit in his father's orchard at home and go three miles through the woods to steal [[strikethrough]] apples [[/strikethrough]] very indifferent apples from a miserable hermit- this would be considered a very foolish thing even for a boy.