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State of Georgia.
Chatham County.

Personally appeared before me an Agent of the Bureau of R.F.&.A.L. Antoinette Hargrave, Freedwoman, who on oath says.
That her home is about two miles from Walthourville in Liberty County Georgia, and that her husband, Abner Hargrave, and her children, five(5) in number are at present residing there.
Deponent further swears that her husband has been in the habit of beating her in a brutal manner, and for no offence. That he is a very violent passionate man and frequently beats their children badly.
That in the early part of November 1866, she in consequence of the ill treatment received at the hands of her husband, left her home and came to Savannah,  where she remained for about two weeks. before she made any complaint to the Agent of the Bureau of R.F.&.A.L. She then called at the Agent's Office F.J. Foster, who gave her a letter to carry to Mr E. Yulee. Bureau Agent in Liberty County, requesting Mr Yulee to investigate the matter, and take such action as justice required.

She further swears that she carried the abovementioned letter to Mr Yulee, who