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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Head-Quarters Sub-District of Savannah, 
Savannah, Ga., May 2d 1867. 

Col. C.C. Sibley, U.S.A.
Asst Com'r. State of Ga. 
I have the honor to report that in accordance with Par. 1. S.O. No. 54, adted from you office April 24, 1867. I have visited the plantation of Mr. A.W. McIver near Riceboro Liberty Co. and find as follows, viz. 
That as before represented the plantation is hired by various freed-people represented by Mr. Patrick Glenn "col'd" at two and a half dollars per acre "cleared land" that the condition of the place and the amount of land under cultivation evinces a determination on the part of said people to do all in their power to make a good crop. That many of the people are short of provision and must greatly neglect their crops by absence to receive food. Under present instructions "as contained in the endorsement from Mr. Howard" I cannot recommend an advance of rations, to these people. Neither can I, with my understanding of said endorsement recommend an advance to any able bodied person or persons in my Sub. Dist. Extreme suffering cannot well exist among the able-bodied where labor commands fair wages. An advance would, no doubt in many instances, result advantageously to the freed-people. Yet it would virtually amount to a loan of Capital.
Very Respectfully
Your obt Servt
J Murray Hoag
1st Lieut 44th US Inf'y and
Sub Asst Com'r