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If you should infere it to go to trial here there is no one that would dare prosecute and it will not a mount to any thing and by their confessions and those that saw them it can be proven pineblank Abner Coffer a freed man the father of one of the murderers in spencer a nother Cedly Tiser Hariet Jack, Pegry Adam all wich are freed person and woed not be believed at all Elisabeth Griffin [[strikethrough]] yet [[/strikethrough]] Zemby Griffin Martha A Griffin John W Griffin thos are uprite persons, but are none of them supenide and dare not come in and testyfy without the Agent was a cessianist and will not use any energy to git up the evidence bute hid all he can they are all [[strikethrough]] all [[/strikethrough]] within 15 miles of this plase and [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] he has bin furnished with a list of the party and witnesses but taks now action there one and he will note take it in honor of the Freedmen but to the contry