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C. LAW WATKINS, Associate Director
ELMIRA BIER, Manager of Publications 

December 16, 1933

Mr. Arthur G. Dove,
New York.

Dear Mr. Dove:

It is a long time since I have heard from you and I often wonder how you are and whether there is a chance that we can have an exhibition of your paintings beginning the first of March or a little earlier. In your last letter you spoke of being so much involved with business affairs that you were unable to paint or to get to New York to collect old pictures of yours for a retrospective exhibition. You were going to see Mr. Stieglitz and ask for his cooperation. I wrote to him about it but have had no reply. 

I am writing to you today not about the exhibition but about the possibility that you may wish to apply for employment under this Public Works of Art Project which is now taking practically all of my time. I have been appointed chairman of the regional committee for Maryland, Virginia and the District and we have already put twenty painters to work on decorating walls of public schools etc. at the rate of forty-two fifty a week. Whatever they do becomes the property of the Government. I will assume that you know all about this and if you feel that you need to be subsidized for a limited period and to get decorative projects assigned to you, you will no doubt put in your application through your own regional committee. Mrs. Juliana Force of the Whitney Museum of Art is chairman of the regional committee for New York City and the various counties of New York and New Jersey adjacent to it. I do not know whether up-state New York comes within her region but if so she has, no doubt, appointed a committee for that section, probably situated in Buffalo. If you have not already applied and care to enter your name and qualifications I should certainly send it to Mrs. Force or to Alfred Barr, Director of the Museum of Modern Art, and I am sure they would refer it to your immediate regional committee with recommendations that your application be approved. With all my heart I wish that you were living in Washington for I would feel that my hard work for this enterprise would be repaid if I could get into some fine building decorations of such great importance as you [[strikethrough]] r [[/strikethrough]] are capable of producing. Whether Mrs. Force likes it or not I am going to "butt in" and write to her myself about you but I feel that it would be wiser to hear from you directly as to whether or not you are interested. You spoke of having trouble with your eyes and I have been very much concerned about this lest it interfere with your