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Copy of letter to St from D. Phillips 

May 24, 1934

Mr. Alfred Stieglitz, 
An American Place, 
509 Madison Avenue, New York. 

Dear Mr. Stieglitz, 

We leave about June 10th and I am hoping that you can send the picture by Dove as soon as possible so that we can study them and decide which ones to take. It is almost impossible for us to pay Dove twelve hundred dollars during the coming year as I had hoped but having written to him that I would try to do it in monthly checks of one hundred dollars I am loath to reduce the subsidy. It will depend upon how many pictures I can honestly accept as good enough for the Collection and at the same time not too esoteric and hard to comprehend. I want at least one example of his humour - as in the Hound and the Train. I think that we can at least compromise on one thousand dollars, at the rate of seventy-five a month and for this we could take the Snow Storm, the Barn next door, the abstraction for Sun and Soil curiously called Tree Trunks and either Hound or the Train and two water colors - Over Geneva Lake and Sowing Wheat. In case we like the pictures less well than we should to make the sacrifice in this lean and difficult year I would like to see and consider some of his better things of other seasons, for instance the Silver Storm, the large subjective flower called Distraction and the Tree Trunks which I last saw in Neumann's gallery of your building. Dont forget that some day I want Marin's oil of Fifth Avenue and O'Keeffe's joyous Celebration but as yet I see no way of getting them as the prices are so high and funds nonexistent. Best wishes to you and your wife from both of us,
