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Halesite, N.Y.

Dear Mr. Phillips,

Thank you for your letter. Of course I am delighted by the [[strikethrough]] fine [[/strikethrough]] way both you and Mrs. Phillips have shown your generosity of spirit in coming again to room 303. It was fine of you to do it just the way you did.

Apropos of mediums mentioned in your letters Both you and Georgia O'Keeffe have shown a delightful tendency recently which amuses me very much.

She has often spoken of wanting to see more of my work in pastel, while your preference seems to be oil.

However she is the owner of "Rain" and "The Sewing Machine" and now you have the s"Sail Boat", all three of them being composed wholly or partially of actual substances.

Of course that does not preclude doing the finest thing yet in either medium, but the fact did interest me.

Thereis asmall book published by Blockx , the makers of those fine Belgian colors. If you do not happen to have it, I will telephone Schneider & Co., their agents to have one sent to you. Mr. Schneider gave me one sometime ago and there is quite a fund of knowledge  covering the same sort of thing that Toch does, but, disagreeing on some points most decidedly.

Again with many thanks to you both,
I am sincerely,
Arthur Dove.

February4 1928.