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Life has become so strenuous right now that we shall have to rush to Geneva and see what we can do. I will let you know from there as soon as there is the slightest lull in this circus which is taking the place of living for the moment. 

Am enclosing a few facts about the work and myself which you may find usable, but you probably have a better idea from the distance with the work in front of you, that I have being so near to myself and the work so far away.

The most matter of fact and unflattering description of me is taken from my driver's license.

[[4 column table]]
| Date of birth | Color | Sex | Weight |
| Mo. 9 Day 2 Yr. 1880 | W | M | 165 lbs |
| Height | Color of eyes | Color of hair |   |
| 5 ft 8 in | blue gray | blonde gray |   |

We are possessors of a $40 truck or station wagon bought so that we could move back and forth up state. Having lived on a boat we have not accumulated much furniture so the truck almost solves carfare and freight. We can ship what is left. For the first twelve years I was an only child and spoiled, I suppose as my family wished me to be. After that I had a brother which gave my family twice as much to think about so I gained twice the freedom.

It was at that age I resigned from the church owing to a dif[[strikethrough]]a[[/strikethrough]]erence with the clergy over Bob Ingersoll having a right to his opinion whether we agreed with him or not. I never waited to find what they did about Mr. Ingersoll.