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May 28-  1937

Dear Duncan Phillips

Thank you so much for your very fine letter and all the news of your recent contributions.  It is marvelous. I had written you a letter in pencil when your announcement for the Washington exhibition came.  Your notice was was beautiful. 
It and a letter from Sherwood Anderson I consider the finest things that have been said of the paintings.  Just at that time things began to happen.

We had to sell the old farm house where we lived a year ago.  Taxes.  We had it until May 1, then the owner started digging the cellar deeper, struck a spring, & the wall caved in on our cellar lake, so we had to move the next day.  We are not settled yet.

Letters are turning up now & then in different cartons as we open them. 

I have just found a fine one of

Transcription Notes:
two question marks