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blue of the sky. These were made into pastels carefully weighed out and graded with black and white into an instrument to be used in making that certain painting.  There were nine others each with its own different motive. I took them to Stieg City, he "made room" for them at 291 in 1910. It was a place where any thing could happen. A remarkable place. People, paintings, photographs and writings all working as in a labratory. Stieg City, Marie Rapp, Hodge the elevator boy, [[strikethrough]]who was as much interested as any one,[[/strikethrough]] Marin, Maurer Haskell, Haviland, Weber, Walkowitz, Hatch Hapgood, Mabel Dodge, Cezanne, Picasso, Rodin, Matisse, Picabia, Hartley, Demuth, De Wald, Carlos, de Zayas, Strand, Seligman, Foler, Mrs. ? Myers, Baron de Mayer, Stiechen, Elizabeth and Donald Davidson, Huneker, Becket and Rhodes, Luinon, Leo Stien, Gertrude Stien and that magazine - called Camera Work - Then came O'Keeffe with those burning water colors.