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I feel passed on from parents; to childhood teachers; to the immensity of impact of you & Win on my adult life (in personal riches plus enabling me to enjoy a work that frees me, needs me, allows independence, that comforts); and now [[such? are? left?]]. Somehow this is not all entirely unfamiliar; Somehow we've met before on a deeper level. I have sat at the feet of teachers before Geraldine. I am in Asia now thru you but I suspect not by chance- its a coming full circle- it begins to flow: sweetly yet many bumps to come yet it merges. This immense journey in search of myself; longing to be in rythm with all life: All ME.

I am an old baby. Everything is always so intense like supernovas constantly ex & imploding. Now I see that the window is dirty. I will begin & persevere. I want to "see".