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Jack Lenor Larsen December 12, 1988 After curating three exhibitions of artists working in craft media at the Bellas Artes Gallery, I am planning the fourth. It is to be even more successful than last year's, in which we achieved record sales while placing important work in major collections. This is to open on Friday, June 30th, to coincide with the opening of the Santa Fe Opera, running through the brisk Fall season. As you may know, Santa Fe has become one of the prime art markets in America. Bellas Artes is a sizable, proportionate gallery specializing in ancient and contemporary ceramic and textile arts. It is just off the main gallery street, Canyon Road, with ample parking. The owners and directors, Charlotte and Bob Kornstein are engaging, enthusiastic and responsible. The title of this year's exhibition, "Splendid Forms 89" suggests that this year's offering is again more slanted to art than "Craft". Partly because of the show's long run, to a rotating community and a national one, we are determine to select artists with enough work to sell. Of course, "amount" depends on size, nature and price of work-- but an average of six pieces. We also prefer artists with backup work to replace sold pieces. In installation, what I am aiming for is a series of mini-shows in which each artist has enough work to create a presence and to provide collectors with a choice. At this point, I am selecting artists by soliciting proposals of work to be shown. That achieved, a letter of agreement will come from the gallery. I enclose a copy of the agreement used last year. Sincerely, Jack Lenor Larsen Enclosures Larsen Design Studio 41 East 11th St., N.Y. 10003 Tel. 212/674-3993 Telex: 62 0571; Cable: Jaclarsen