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July 6, 1990
Page 2

Finally, this spring, I started fixing up 63rd Street again, in my usual office style. Got back my antique teak shelves and cabinets from friends that I had given them to when I could not bear to look at teak anymore.

The only soft touch in this apartment are now the Jack Lenor Larsen ChEVALIER draperies in my living room--which faces a wall. I had gotten the fabric in 1987, but never did anything about it till now. Needless to say, they make the place.

Speaking of draperies, I have been looking around for open-weave washable casements, but there ain't none acceptable around. Not even at the Decorators' Walk at the D and D building, including Isabel Scott, etc. I wish you would do something about it. In big cities, where people face other buildings, one does need open weaves, and with all the soot coming in, it would be great if they were washable. There used to be a Swedish open-weave nylon fabric around (ASTRID), but even that is gone.

I am very curious about your new extravaganza. I am only concerned what you will do after it is finished. I am sure you will not stop at that and will dream up something else. I was delighted to hear that you sold your previous project, which must have not been easy at this time.

My sister, Irene, will be in Vienna at least until October and has been badgering me about coming there. Strangely enough, I have never been to Vienna and would love to see it. I would also love to visit Czechoslovakia where I used to spend most of my childhood vacations. "Last year in Marienbad," indeed. Of all the Slavs, the Czechs are the best. Highly civilized and they had the only true democracy in Europe before the war.

Barring major new cataclysms, I may go to Europe towards the latter part of August, and may visit the U.S.S.R. One of my nieces is getting married in Moscow and wants me there for the wedding. I would also like to visit my native city, Kiev, which--as you must know was founded by the Swedish princes--the Ruryks. That may explain my Scandinavian propinquities, apart from my early childhood on the Baltic coast.

I shall always treasure the letter you had sent me after your visit to Nyack. I had written to you after that--many letters--but did not send them. As John Luten would have said, "don't be maudlin, my dear."

I hope to see you before long, and your East Hampton fantasy. Preferably before winter sets in.