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What else will you have in this discotheque besides all the bands. What will happen on the 21 screens?

The twenty-one screens are...I'm just part of that. I haven't decided whether I am part of the thing, but if it does work out it will be fantastic. I just have part to do with about oh, four of the screens. One will have video-tape on and three or four movies plus [[strikethrough]] zzzz [[/strikethrough]] slides or if the slides aren't, if they could do it with movies easier, they'll do it with movies, and it just will be I think very exciting.

I'd like to go back to something I asked you before. So here you would  be standing up in front of this band not doing anything.

I won't be standing in front, probably sitting down in back or in front, I don't know.

Well, Andy, do you have any thought at all about the fact that so many people like the idea of just being able to watch you sitting in a chair or standing on a balcony signing soup cans.