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Could you say something about what you feel to be Andy's contribution to the film?

Andy's contribution to the film as film is that he has, although film is an art form, he's just brought new ideas to it. He's added all the cliches, [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] and the Kiss movie was an extension of the idea that a kiss in a Hollywood movie couldn't last more than three seconds, and the record for that was in an Alfred Hitchcock film where it lasted for 33 seconds because there was censorship, so he made a film of a three-minute Kiss movie, and he's just contributed so many fantastic ideas to the film in way of technique and the [[strikethrough]] f [[/strikethrough]] way a film looks and in content and just the way, I don't know, any new technique, he's contributed.


Oh the soup cans, the new soup can paintings are actually dead paintings. We call them dead paintings, because it's an idea rehashed and you know changing the colors of the Campbell's soup can but, well the soup cans were done by hand, and that was before I had started working for Andy and so he would spend like three hours on a soup can and he made about 250 or 300 of them. And he had all this spare time because he wasn't working in an art agency and ......