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Dear Andy,

The activities of the Warhol Fan Club have been Temporarily halted due to examinations, vacation etc; but more of course will be happening soon. Instead of the usual coffee etc. That is served at club meetings here - we serve only hot campbell's in cups and would rather fight than switch.

I am currently working on a lengthy Term paper on your films for a History of film course here at the University. The problems are many: so far little has been written about your film activities except for a few brief bits in Film Culture. I have written to Jonas Mekas about securing more, but would appreciate being able To Talk To you about these films. Would anything of this sort be possible in the near future? I am often in NY on weekends - and if a meeting could be arranged it would be very helpful.

I will be in NY this weekend and am going to talk to Ivan Karp and see if I can somehow get closer to you. AT present the only address I have is Riverside Drive. But no number.- and the U.S. mail being what it is- I don't think a letter simply addressed to Riverside Drive would have a vague chance of being delivered.

When the Time cover appeared here - The 'Club' scoffed them all up. The flower show review in Arts Magazine was Terrific. Someone has already stolen the cover from the Library's copy of Artforum. More club news next time.

Joey Egan.

P.S. Do you know of any screenings of your films in the NY - Hartford - Boston area - in the next month or two?