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The Man of Campbell Soup and Coke

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The ever-growing Andy Warhol Fan club is pleased to announce the recent formation of a New York chapter managed by June Crasco '62.
The activities of the club have included Cke and Campbell's Suppers, visits to Warhol and a 

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Valentine Day Presentation.
Ivan Karp at the Casteli Gallery said that the club is he has been helpful in arranging meetings with Andy.
At a meeting in his studio last 

[[Text Box]]
Prevent Loss of Books & Clothing
Use a RUBBER STAMP from 
Cheney Locksmiths
24 Hr. Service

[[Column 3]]
weekend, Andy said, "I think the club the terrible!" Warhol, who shows his Campbell Soup, Coke and neon flower painting at the Castelli Gallery, is that reining king of Pop in the art world. 
HIS MOST RECENT paintings, which include Elvis, Liz and Jackiem are soon to be seen in one-man shows in Canada, London and Paris. In addition to his painting activities, Andy is making films at the rate of one per week, including an eight-hour film entitled "Sleep." 
At a past visit to his tin-foiled studio, members saw his latest film, "Screen-test #2." 
Announcements of future activities will appear in the Collegian. Membership is open to all Warhol fans.

Collegian 2.24.65