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338 East 83rd Street
New York 28, New York
March 2, 1965

Ivan Karp
4 East 77th Street
New York, New York

Dear Mr. Karp:

Thank you, thank you for the defective pansies which you so graciously donated to the New York Chapter of the Andy Warhol Fan Club. We love them and feel that we can identify with the defect -- so the gift was perfect!

They are now under glass and currently being displayed in the New York Chapter Club House.

J. Michael Egan presented the New York Club with one Lichtenstein "Boot" to symbolize our awareness of the rest of the art world -- that world which revolves around our very own and dear Andy.

Hail to the king.
Very truly yours,
(signed) June B. Crasco
June B. Crasco
Manager of the New York Chapter
of the Andy Warhol Fan Club

cc: J. Michael Egan, National President
Amherst, Massachusetts