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338 East 83rd Street 
New York, New York
March 10, 1965

Andy Warhol
4 East 77th Street
New York, New York

Dear Mr. Warhol:

Please, please -- the New York Chapter club room needs a picture of you whom we admire and adore!

If you will provide our fan club room with an autosigned picture of your very own countenance, we will be eternally grateful.

We have heard that you are going away soon - to Paris. Please say it isn't true! We will not rest easy until you are back. Dear Andy, be careful.

Hail, Prince.

Your admiring servant,
June B. Crasco 
June B. Crasco
Redginal Director of the Andy Warhol Fan Club

cc: J. Michael Egan, National President Amherst, Massachusetts