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Campbell SOUP Company
*******CAMDEN 1, NEW JERSEY*******

November 24, 1964

Mr. Leo Castelli
Leo Castelli Gallery
4 East 77th Street
New York, New York

Dear Mr. Castelli:

Enclosed is our company's check for $2,00 for the Warhol painting we commissioned.

As I said on the phone, it arrived here safely and was presented to Mr. Willits, our former Board Chairman, at a party in his honor on November 19, on the eve of his retirement from our Board of Directors. Mr. Willits was well pleased by the presentation, and as you know we also presented him with an album of news articles about Mr. Warhol's paintings.

Our employee magazine, HARVEST, will be publishing an article about Mr. Warhol soon and copies will be sent you at that time. Whenever you and Mr. Warhol can get away for a day, we would be pleased to have you as our guest here.

Sincerely yours,
William C.Parker
William C.Parker
Director - Public Information
