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World Telegram
Conservative circles will be interested to learn that the Princess di Bassiano, wife of PPrince Roffredo di Bassiano Caetani, is arriving Thursday from Rome. It is the first time in almost thirty years that the former Marguerite Chapin has returned to this country, and she is bringing with her Donna Leila Caetani, her talented, artist daughter. 

The Princess di Bassiano, who was married to her attractive husband in London in 1911, is the daughter of the late Lindley Hoffman Chapin by his first wife, Lelia Gilbert. The Princess is a half sister of Paul L.H. Chapin, of Mrs. Francis Biddle, of Philadelphia, and of Cornelia Van Auken Chapin, the sculptress. Donna Lelia Caetani, who is still in her early twenties, has achieved a remarkable reputation as a painter. She recently had an exhibition of her work in London and no less than four paintings were purchased by the Tate Gallery. 

Her younger brother, Prince Camillo Caetani, is a special student at Harvard. He is extremely handsome, well-to-do, a member of one of Rome's proudest families. It will be a miracle if Camillo isn't spoiled by New York's debutantes. 

Apr. 26. '38 Mary V.R. Thayer.

Phila. Inquirer
In Gotham Galleries
Two women with considerable Philadelphia ties are exhibiting in New York this week- Cornelia Van A. Chapin, sister-in-law of George Biddle, is showing sculpture at the Fifteen Gallery, while oils and water colors by Henriette Wyeth are on view at the Reinhardt Galleries. 

Recent paintings by Henry Billings may be seen at J.B. Neumann's New Art Circle. Sculpture by Cornelia Van A. Chapin is being shown at the Fifteen. 

This Clipping From Lewiston, ME. SUN

MOËT & Chandon 
Fondée en 1743
Société Anonyme au Capital de 42 Millions de frs. 
EPERNAY, le 21 Avril 1938

Cher Monsieur,

Un petit mot en hâte, avant mon départ pour l´Angleterre où je dois passer une dizaine de jours. 

J´ai pu avoir quelques renseignements au sujet de la récompense de Miss CHAPINÑ elle a obtenu le Diplôme d´Honneur, qui est la plus haute distinction après le grand prix d´honeur, et arrive avant les médailles d´or, d´argent, etc....C´est done une très belle récompense dont elle peut faire état. 

Si le Journal Officiel ne l´a pas publié au mois d´Avril comme prévu, c´est que nos honorables Législateurs mobilisaient à l´époque toute la plce disponible pour nous faire part du fruit de leurs travaux intellectuels. Enfin, on m´a affirmé que cette publication serait pour le mois de Mai ou de Juin..... 

Veuillez transmettre je vous prie, cher Monsieur, mon respectueux souvenir à Mrs. Chapin, et me croire toujours, 

Sincèrement vôtre, 
R.J. de VOGUE 

Monsieur L.H.P. CHAPIN 
215, East 72nd Street