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one of the freedmen hired through the intelegence office State that conway told him not to mind Voting that nobody would give him a collar for his Vote.  I met a freedman about 2 months ago with a Large wavy repeater in his hand  I asked him what was the matter.  he stated that his enployer a man by the name of Sawyer Shot the contents of the Pistol at him  I followed the freedmen to Hills office Sawyer arriving about the Same time the freedman told his Story to Captain Hill So did Sawyer the Captain handed the pistol to the white man and told the poor colorec man he must look to the Civil Authorities for redress.  I could Give numberous cases Simelar to the above- - - - 

I brought to Captain Hills notice treaty maid against the Life of freedmen by white men if the freedmen dare to Vote the republican Ticket  I have also called the attention of Captain Hill to Violations of Genl Popes order forty nine.  I have also called the attention of Captain Hill to the unauthorised & unwarranted interferance of our city authorities with republican organisations in this city the city authorities assuming the rights to be present at all our republican club private meetings