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For the express purpose of Breaking into our organisations the Captain of Police not only forced his way into our club meetings but actually invited all outsiders to come in and pay attention to what we had to say etc.

I do know that Captain Hill told me that he had Given a Guarrantee to the present municipal authority that they would not be removed from office, well Knowing at the same time that every man connected with the city Government were rebels and opponants to the reconstruction of the State of Georgia in acordance with the acts of the congress of the United States  Hill also told me that he had not niggar on the Brain he also volunteered the opinion that the Republican Party would be defeated at the next presidential Election  I will State not because I know it to be a fact that rumour Says, in consideration of Captain Hill's friendship to our city authorities that the wood yard Waggons intelegence office etc. were allowed without paying any Licence complimentary to Captain Hill