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were not interfered with - that he made the complaint in writing - that he understood that Capt. Hill communicated with Col. Crofton and had troops in town to prevent any interference with them. - that they were not interfered with, except that the police on club nights stood on the walk near the foot of the stairs leading to the club room and counted the men going up, calling them by name - that some time in Dec. 67 he presented to Capt. Hill a petition for the removal of the Macon City Authorities & requested him to sign it if it wold not compromise him - that the petition was signed by some four hundred signatures, some seven or eight white men had signed it - it recommended Mr. Bond for Mayor & Mr. Asher Ayres for one of the Aldermen - himself for Chief of police and Mr. Butler for Treasurer - Capt. Hill objected to one man, and said he would see him again - did not refuse positively to sign it - that Capt. Hill told him at that time that he had promised Mayor