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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands.
Circular, No. 1. } Office Assistant Commissioner,
for the State of Mississippi.
Vicksburg Miss., January 25th, 1868.

An impression seems to prevail among many persons in this State, that the Government intends to advance supplies or money to Planters to aid them in cultivating their Lands this year. Such impression is erroneous. The Government will issue supplies only to such as are in actual want, and only in such quantities as may be necessary to prevent absolute suffering, and all those who apply for assistance will be considered as placing themselves at the disposal of the Assistant Commissioner, to be sent to such places as employment can be procured for them.

All Freedmen who are laboring under the delusion that Lands will be furnished them by confiscation or otherwise are warned that this is a mistaken idea. The only way in which they can obtain land is by purchase, like other people, or by locating upon the public domain. Officers and Agents of the Bureau are directed to use every means in their power to procure situations for laborers on the best terms and at points as convenient to their stations as possible.  Those desiring laborers and laborers desiring situations are requested to communicate with this office, or with the nearest officer or agent of the Bureau, with a view to procuring employment.

In connection with this subject the Ass't Commissioner for the State of Miss., feels it incumbent upon him to again urge those engaged in agricultural pursuits to devote more land and labor to the production of corn and wheat. Had his suggestions, on this subject been heeded last year, instead of threatening famine there would have been a large amount of breadstuffs for export.

The present destitution should serve as a warning. Let every planter determine to plant a large area in corn; be assured where corn is abundant, meat will not be scarce.

By order of Brevet Major General Alvan C. Gillem:
Assistant Commissioner.

M Barker
First Lieutenant 34th U. S. Infantry,
Acting Assistant Adjutant General.

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