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Dougherty County
Personally appeared before me James Roberts col^d, who being sworn, deposes and says, that John Roberts, white of Baker County Ga about four months ago drove him from his plantation in Baker County telling him that no Radical negro could stay on his place & drawing a pistol on him with the remark to leave his place, never to come back and not to open his mouth or he would shoot him, that since that time John Roberts met him in the road four different times and told him each time not to show his head on his place again or he would kill him and that Mr. John Roberts, James King, Isaac Bronson and two or three other[[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] white men, who he did not recognize came to his house on the plantation of Mr. Musgrove in Baker County about bedtime on Sunday night the 27th of September 1868, called his name and asked him to come out, that he saw them coming through the crack of the house and he recognized those above named in the moonshine, that they all were armed with guns and that he fearing to get killed jumped out of a back window of the house unperceived by them, that they went into the course and not finding him told his wive he must leave the county or else they would [[strikethrough]] be [[/strikethrough]] kill him, Deponent further states they immediately after coming out of the house espied him at a distance running through a field, pursued him