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Sam Payne, colored, says,
That Colonel Thompson, Mr Hawks, and Mr Boyd came up to the carriage witness was driving, witness having been off with the carriages until the wagons passed, as there was so much fuss, the cavalry was happing when Col Thompson came up, the speakers got in the carriage and Col. Thompson rode alongside until we got up against the foundry. We stoped behind the band wagon. Col Ramsy who was in the carriage told witness to drive round the other street and got a head of the procession. Witness did so and saw no more of Col. Thompson till he came home.

J.F. Brooks, sworn,
Witness is Democratic candidate for Clerk of Court, was standing at Distrin's stable when the procession passed, fell in along with them went up into Jaques hall with the procession, there I saw Jaques, John D. Arnold, and his son, Shook hands with Arnold, he said, laughing, what are you doing here I said electioneering for votes, Soon after the Democratic procession passed and the negroes went down stairs, as fast as they could go. I went with them. the other white men remained in the building while I was yet on the stairs near the street, a negro in the crown of Radicals fired a pistol and I said come boys this wont do, We Radicals have a right to our procession.  they have a right to theirs, dont make any disturbance, it wont do, the Democratic procession had