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Office of Bureau of Refugees -
Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
Brunswick Geo Dec 18th 1865.

Brig: Genl: Davis Tillson
U.S. Vols Act. Asst. Com.
Augusta Geo

I have under my protection a poor little deformed negro child about four years of age, whose mother abandoned some months since, and, whose former master very inhumanly left in the road, some five miles from this place - this child was picked up and brought into town and left in the charge of the officer commanding this post (Lt. Wilson, who says he spoke to you about this little boy when you made your visit here) and who he subsequently turned him over to me, hearing that I was appointed Agent for the Bureau in this County. I have written out to the former owner of this child & ordered him to come into town and take the child [[strikethrough]] under [[/strikethrough]] into his care and see to its comfort & welfare, but as he lives 25 miles from here, I have every reason to believe that he will not notice my letter - the mother having abandoned the child & gone off to parts unknown, I presume he (the former owner) is the proper person to look after it. the child is destitute of clothing