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State of Georgia
Surgeon General's Office
[[Strikethrough]] Augusta [[/strikethrough]]
Waverley Hall
October 23rd, 1865

General Tilson
In a conversation I had with you a few days since, I stated that in consequence of a drought and also by the slow and careless manner in which my former slaves had worked since "freedom was proclaimed" I had made so short a crop that I would be unable to support them the coming year and I therefore proposed to turn over to you a certain number of them. I stated that it about 1000 bushels of meal a year to bread them that my present crop will not turn out even 8 or 900 hundred bushels. In addition to this it will require about 1000 bushels of corn for my Mules and hogs. Thus you will readily see my inability to support from the plantation, the large number of Dead Heads I have appreciating my condition in reference to these people. You told me to send to your office a list of such negroes or freed men women as I propose to discharge. In accordance with that understanding I send you a statement, the names ages etc. By reference to the schedule you will see that they are mostly women and children. The woman are generally young and likely and