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Owen & Hurlbut, So. Lee, MASS
State of Georgia
Surgeon General's Office
Augusta,  186
List of negroes offered to Gen'l Tilston to be removed from my plantation.
Tener a woman 28 years old strong able-bodied. 3 children (small) no husband
Emily 26 years old able-bodied 1 child, a husband, not on my place.
Luly Ann. 20 years old able-bodied 2 children Husband not living on my place.
Sylvia Mother of the 2 last wimen, with 2 boys here 14 and 12 years old — 2 boys absconded 24 and 28 years old, and husband left home. She is about 43 years old.
Sarah 38 years old with 8 children here and one boy absconded. They range from 24 to 2 years old. The oldest daughter has 2 children. No Husband.
Harriet 23 years old strong and able-bodied with 3 children. Husband not here.
Lynda 21 years old able-bodied with 2 children. Sister of Harriet. No Husband.

28 negroes -- No field hands.