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Office Acting Sub Asst Comr  
Augusta Geo Dec'r 1865

I have the honor [[strikethrough]] to enclos [[/strikethrough]] herewith to enclose Statements and affadavit made by Sundry persons in the Counties of Richmond, Lincon [[Lincoln]], Burke &c, and Request that Said Statements be forwarded to the nearest Agt for investigation.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
Geo. R. Campbell
Capt. & Actg Sub Asst Comr 

Brig'd'r Genl. Davis Tillson 
AAA. Comr
Augusta Geo

Transcription Notes:
The word looks like Sincon, but there is no such county, not anything close Moved the August Geo line & AAA. Comr line to their own lines to match that of the document. Like original transcriber unsure of the Sincon. aha, an "L" not an "S"!