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Office Acting Sub Ass't Com.
Bureau Refugees, Freedman and A.L. 
Atlanta, Ga. Dec 5th 1865.

Major Gray Augusta Ga.

Dr Sir
Yours arrived in due time and contents noted. I think I can find the number of hands required - if you would send an agent here to take care of them as they are collected. I have no Camp nor Building suitable for their accomadation, during the time spent in gathering them togather. If you will send some person I will be very happy to assist him all I can. I will go with him in and around the city and assist him in picking up the required   number. In collecting such large numbers the must be some person on hand to attend to them or they will fail to report when needed. In this way I sent off a number of hands Yesterday to Cedar Keys Florida - but the Planter was here himself and took charge of them as they were collected. It is necessary for some person to be here to move them immediately, as soon as gathered togather.

I have the honor Maj.
to be yours, &c
Geo. Curkendall
Lt. Col. & A. Sub Ass't Com.
Bureau R.F. & A.L.