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Office of Chief Med Officer
Sub Dist of Ogeechee
Savannah Ga. August 18th 1865


Surgeon John Trenor for USV
Chief Medical Officer D.S.


I have the honor to report that I have visited and inspected the Hospital property at Guyton Ga as directed in SO No 7 from your office and find Guyton to be a village of about two hundred (200) inhabitants with a decided prejudice against the Federal Gov'mt.

The village is located upon dry table land no swamp land being in the vicinity.  Agricultural facilities good but not much enterprise - inhabitants enjoying excellently good health no malarial diseases in the vicinity - Forrests of Pines in the vicinity considerable shade in the village  No Stores or Shops of any kind. 

The Hospital building (a rough sketch of which I herewith submit) is in very good condition excepting the window sashes have all be removed but all or nearly all recoverable - some of the out-houses have been injured somewhat. but the main buildings are in good condition floors well elevated from the ground with four (4) fire places in each ward.  Good nurses Quarters attached to each ward good shingle roofs and very pretty ground attached with some shade - Shade trees small however
