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crop than Mr Tiffany & [[Semms?]] can possibly do -

I found also to-day the Armory of the Chatham Artillery occupied [[strikethrough]] by [[/strikethrough]] one floor by the Jewish Synagogue -& the upper by a female (Private) school - The Jews are willing to pay rent from the time Sherman came in, to the Bureau & much desire to retain the place till next Spring.  as a new rent to be fixed, the rent formerly paid was $4 00 - per annum -  Mr Birge says he can get along with the third story & I shall not disturb the Synagogue but fix a monthly rent subject to your approval -

Mr. Birge the Chaplain on Arty here as Supt of Schools - looks like Dr Bigelow of the 1st AS.C.A. Hq & is a sensible man. [[strikethrough]] who [[/strikethrough]] well qualified for the place of School Supt -

I send you with this a copy of the Savannah Republican with a very sensible article in it from the pen of a Southern man - I have not found time to call on Mr. Anderson or the Treasury Agent but will