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Thomasville Geo Nov 23 1865.
Capt W W Dean

Dear Sir:
I feel it my duty as a Citizen who impelled by a desire to see peace and order restored and the well being of the persons formerly our slaves for whom I feel a deep solicitude to address you particularly as a report by M G Hasting is in  circulation Capt Richardsons place is to be filled by some other officer, since the freedom of the negroes no officer has accomplished more for the Freedmen & Planters good Capt R has the same advice for the white man & negro, he has dealt fastly by all in and in brief month given more encouragement to another that has been heretofore done. I have been with him at his appointments & witnessed the effect of his course. Intelligent freedmen highly appreciate his counsel & look to him to regulate their labour & pay & protect them in their rights. Evil disposed Freedmen say he will soon be removed and some one placed in his stead who will allow them to roam at large as per vagabonds. We all as good