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obtained authority to take possession of the Hotel, five June last. But it has been taken by on and another, without permission from any one. The House named by Mr Eberhart, has not at any time been in my charge, But I have used every endeavor to get the school removed, so that the Widdow may get possession of it, as it is all she has left to her in the world, in the way of property.
No buildings, estates or other property claimed by this Bureau under any authority know to me, has ever been turned over. Nor did I suppose, any property could be taken, except under the orders or acts authorizing such seizure.
Special Field Order No 2, empowers Capt Ketchum to adjust questions growing out of abandoned Lands within the district effected by Genl Shermans order. The Report returned for Capt Ketchums signiture, has been forwarded to Charleston SC for that purpose. His Hd Qtrs being there. I hardly know how I shall be able to get at the details of Abandoned Lands, because Capt K has all the papers and arrangements with him, and I may not be able to learn all the actions he may take in the premises. I will however do the best I can in every thing left to my charge during the time I shall represent any interest of the Bureau.
I am Capt Very Respectly Your Obt Servt
H.F. Sickles
Col and ASA Comr

To W.W. Deane
Capt and AA Genl