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Head Quarters Freedmans Bureau
Columbus Ga Dec 2 1865
Permit me to relate to you a circumstance of this characters.
At the time of Genl Wilson's raid through here the raiders burnt down a building that belonged to the so called confederate government. The building contained a large amount of machinery and was used for a rolling mill by the so called confederate government. There is now left some for or five thousand dollars worth of machinery. There is also three stacks now standing which contain a quantity of brick worth three or four hundred dollars. A citizen of this place who represents himself as an agent for the naval department he has been selling a quantity of brick. I found it out & stopped him and placed a guard over property. I claim that the stuff belongs to the Freedmans Bureau. Please inform me. I shall hold the property or not, I shall hold it until I hear from you.
Very Respectfully
Your obedieant Servant
P. Slaughter
Capt. & A.S.A. Freed. Bureau