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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Savannah, Ga., December 16th 1865.


Your of the 15th in reference to Census is received. The work of canvassing has been completed some day. But the matter was in a very crude condition when returned to this office. I have nearly finished engrossing and arranging it in alphabetical order. When this is accomplished, it will be very elaborate and complete.

Genl Tillson has the result in number and condition of Freedmen.___ as follows (viz)

Whole number in the city of Savannah ------------------------ 7354
Permanently Disabled & incapable of self support ----   83
Decriped and Infirm --------------------------------  276
Blind -----------------------------------------------   10
Childn of the age of 14 years & under --------------- 2212
Childn Between the ages of 5 and 15 years ----------- 1630
Childn number of childn now attending schools -------  960

I am Captain very Respectfly your Obt. Servt
H.F. Sickles
Col & ASA Comr RF&AL

W.W. Deane
Capt & AA Genl