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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands.
Office Acting Assistant Commissioner, State of Georgia.


Augusta, Ga. Nov. 4. 1865


I have the honor to report that I have just returned from Millidgeville [[Milledgeville]] where I went to consult with his Excellency the Provisional Gov'r and to make provisions for the better organization of the Bureau in this State.

While there, in compliance with an invitation from the Georgia State Convention now in session I explained to the members the objects and purposes of the Bureau and made known to them the policy you had instructed me to adopt and pursue and which I am pleased to be able to inform you, met with their hearty approbation.

I was assured by his Excellency the Gov'r and many prominent members of the Convention that my explanation was very satisfactory to the Convention, and that it would do much towards removing the prejudices which had heretofore existed against the Bureau and its officers.

In fact the manner in which I was afterwards received and treated convinced me that a very pleasant change of opinions had already taken place.

The result of my mission was eminently satisfactory, my letter addressed to the Gov'r a copy of which I enclose, was by him referred to the Convention and resulted in the passage by that body of a resolution