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Madison Morgan County Georgia
Nov 17th 1865

Genl Tillson
Com Freedmans Bureau Augusta

Dear Sir
I have now on two plantations 20 families of Negroes, making in all 122 Freedman.
Out of this number there are 65 children & superanuated persons not able to work, I have on these plantations 50 hogs that can be killed weighing an average 120 lbs, I have but a poor supply of corn about enough to feed 15 horses & 30 working hands, I will have no use for all the balance of the negroes, My contrat with the Freedman will expire in a very short time. I ask what shall I do with this host of men women & their children. I dislike to see them starve & yet it is utterly impossible to feed them, for I have not Fifty dollars in money and 62 years old, & these persons cannot get employment

Transcription Notes:
& not +