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Athens Nov. 12th 1865

Commanding Post of Athens

My father is a poor old afflicted & half blind man living in Philadelphia, almost unable to support himself, while my mother is for years past sadly deranged in mind - so much so that she is at present an inmate of the Asylum. The only brother of mine who was by his labor a help to my distressed parents has died as I am informed during the war, I left Philadelphia in 1860 to take a situation in this place, which I lost in consequence of the calamities of the war. I have been unable to secure another as yet there was no chance for me during the war to go home to Philadelphia where I was born  since the restoration of peace I have been reduced to live mostly on selling of my scanty wearing apparel whatever I thought. I could spare. My health has in the meantime sadly failed, and the horrors of winter are before me. So I am now obliged to return to my Father, who needs my assistance for his own broken down domestic affairs & yet has no means to help me to come to him, being entirely unable to procure the means for a journey to Pha. having tried in vain every possible way for the last 5 months I have but one hope left before me - the magnanimity of the U.S. Government, and therefore would ask most respectfully for the kind & generous assistance of the commander of our Post of Athens, who in his wisdom would certainly not fail to devise a plan to get a kind of transportation home for his humble petitioner. Pray do assist me in this hour of need & distress and be assured that I shall remember your kindness with sincere gratitude.

I remain, Sir, most respectfully & humbly
Your most obedient servant 
Miss B. Weismann