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State of Georgia 
Richmond County 

Office Act Sub Ass Com.
Augusta Ga. Dec. 27th/65.

Before me Geo. R. Campbell Capt 1st U.S.C.A.H. pearsonly apeared Charles Wilson  H. Simkins  L.D. Hill, all (col) who being duly Sworn Deposeth and saith that on the night of Dec the 20th bet. 10 and 11 Oclock there were about 30 men saying they were Guards with an Officer at the head of them Fell on the aforesaid Party Charles Wilson H. Simkins and L.D. Hill Robbed them out of their Pocket Books Pistols and so forth Saying that they were Autherized by the Authorities to search every col. man they met for firearms and take them away from them, and further Chas. Wilson says that he can pick out the Officer as he has seen him before

Charles Wilson his x mark
H. Simkins his x mark
L.D. Hill his x mark

Sworn and Subscribed to before me this 21 Day of Dec. 1865.
G.R. Campbell
Capt Act. Sub. Ass't Comr
District of Augusta