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with recent letters, the contents of which I have acquainted you with, modified materially the instructions I originally received. 

Genl. Howard says in letter of Nov 21" "Since my return I have seen both the President and Secretary of War, and they approve my action with reference to the Islands appropriated by Genl. Sherman's Genl. Order No. 15."

"It is their wish that Freedmen be suitably provided for, before any action is taken, touching the restoration of property, and I am convinced that the board, as organized, has it in its power to accommodate satisfactorily, all questions of dispute, and will do so, if any power can"

"The moment the Freedpeople are provided for on a plantation in a manner satisfactory to the Board, and in accordance with the terms of the obligation, the order of transfer will be issued by you."

"You can constitute your Board so as to cover all the land left to your care, and I desire that you get them to work as soon as practicable. The orders of the Secretary