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year would be nearly paralyzed.
I am glad to be able to add that a very hopeful feeling prevails throughout the State among both whites and blacks.  The State is being scoured for laborers, and good wages ranging from twelve to fifteen dollars per month are being freely offered.  There will be no need of any person freezing or starving to death in this State, who is willing an able to work, as has been predicted.  The whole number of rations issued in this State, except along the coast and on the Islands, which were not, at the time, under my control in December last, was about 40,000 against 120,000 in Savannah alone when I came here.  Please assure Gen. Thomas that I will not put the Government to any expense which can be avoided.
Your Ob't Serv't,
Davis Tillson
Brig. Gen. Vols. & A.A. Com'r.

Bvt. Maj. Gen. J.L. Donaldson,
Ch'f Qr. Mr. Mil Div. of the Tenn.
Nashville, Tenn.

Official copy forwarded to Major Gen'l Howard
Commissioner, for his information
January 17th 1866.