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and frankly should inthusiastically sustain the order! I told the Convention that you and other of their friends are fearful that advantage might be taken of it to this infamy, and admitted to them that possibly this might be done: Captain Bryant and others, the Rev?

Edes of Bartow were present and will bear testimony to the fact that I presented the question fairly - that I told the Convention the whole truth and then appealed to the members to express this real opinion, not to be influenced by my opinion or presence but to act in accordance with this own Conviction - that their were men elected to represent the interests of the race, and that it was their duty to do it without fear or favor, and that if being here and knowing the facts as I knew them, they thought the order right - to say so, if not, and they thought I was mistaken to say that - and after I had said this and explained the whole matter, Captain Turner (Colored) rose and read a resolution drawn up by himself, endorsing the policy of the Bureau in the State and pledging the support of the intelligent colored people. 
Bradley the colored lawyer released on parole by the Sec' of War, from Fort Pulaski, was present and disposed to do mischief, but the Convention had the good sense to rule him down by an overwhelming majority. 

The convention seemed to realize fully