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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| March 13th 1869, #72. | Am. Miss. Association E.P. Smith. Agent. March 6th, Referred by A.C. of N.C. for recommendation. March 23rd Rec'd. back with report E.B. p 341. Vol 5 March 30 Rec'd back with E.B. p. 341. Vol 5. | New York March 13th 1869 States that the American Miss. Association is under expense of $300.00 per month for support of Bureau Orphan Asylum, Wilmington, Md and requests the Comr. to authorize a rental by the Bureau of $100 per month from Jany 1st 1869. |

| March 13th 1869 #73. * | Am. Miss. Association Geo. Whipple. Secy see S 70. 1 enclo Copy furnished Col. Seeley March 13 69. March 13th Referred by C.D.O. Check for $321.34 enclosed. Letter of transmittal rec'd back. Aug 4th/74. W.G.P. | New York March 12th 1869 Acknowledges receipt of report of Genl Sewall's on Topeka investigation and the request for return of certain money paid by the Bureau to the Association. Encloses check for $321.34 on "Shoe & Leather Bank" |

| March 15 1869 #74 | Alabama. E. Beecher. Col. March 17th, Returned for A.C. of Ala who is authorized to expend a sum not exceeding $800. for supplying "Emerson Institute" with suitable desks &c | Montgomery March 10th 1869. Forwards request of G.L. Putnam Supt. A.M.A. for an appropriation of $ 1,750.00 for the purpose of furnishing suitable desks for the "Emerson Institute" With remark. As such a large amount has already been appropriated, does not deny it has duty to grant this request without instructions from the Comr. |

| March 11th 1869 #75. * | Attorney Genls. Office J.H. Ashley. Act Atty Genl. From Secy of War 1 enclo see S61. Filed. Copy furnished. O.S.C of S.C. | Washington March 6th 1869 Encloses copy of instructions issued to the Dist Attorney at Charleston, S.C. pursuant to request of War Dept. in matter of certain bankrupt cases. |

| March 18 1869. #76. * | Am. Miss Association C.H. Howard Secy. see A 116. Filed | Chicago Ills. March 15 1869. | Requests that the Com'r return to that Association the sum of $750.00 the amount paid for school buildings sold by the Bureau at Columbus and Holly Springs. Miss. the Confederate Property. |

March 18 1869. #77 * | Adjt Gen's Office T.M. Vincent A.A.G. File. See L.B. Vol. 5. March 18th 1869. | Washington March 16 1869. Refers letter of J.S. Morris. Atty at Law asking attention of the proper authorities to the corrupt and most unconscionable conduct of Messers. Moyers and Dedrick. Bounty Claim Agents for discharge colored soldiers. |

| March 19th 1869. #75. * | Armies of U.S. E.D. Townsend, A.A. Genl see A 59. N 38. | File. Officers copy furnished. A.C. of N.C. for his information. March 25 1869. | Washington March 15th 1869. Refers copy of letter to Comdg Genl. Dept of the South in reply to application of Asst. Comr. of A.C. for assignment of Chapel Geo W. Pepper as Asst Supt of Education: in which he stated that if Chaplain Pepper leaves his Regiment he will be left out in the consolidation. |

| March 19th 1869 #79. * | Ames A. Bt. Maj. Genl 4th Mil Dist. Telegram File. see L.B. Vol 5. March 19th 1869. | Vicksburg Miss. March 18th 1869. Has assumed command of the District. What is to be done with Freedmen's Bureau. |