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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| Feby 23d 1869. #22. | Brown Leonidas late Clerk Bureau R.F. &c See N 35. Feby 23d Referred to A.C. of N.C. for recommendation as to paying salary for November March 11th Rec'd. back with report. E.B p 330. Vol 5. | Salisbury. N.C. Feby 20th 1869. States that, depending upon the assurance of Col Chur, that he should retain his situation as clerk he contracted debts hoping to pay them from his salary for November 1868. Being unexpectedly discharged to date Oct. 31st 1868, he is without means to pay his debts or to support his family. Requests pay for the month of Nov. 1868. and also that the Com'r. obtain for him a position in some Gov't. Dept. &c |

| Feby 24th 1869 #23. | Brown J.M. Bt. Maj. and D.O. 1 enclo. Feby 24th Retd. E.B.p. 315, Vol 5 | Washington Feby 23rd 1869.| Submits report of means of transportation now on hand and that which will be neccessary for transaction of public business after 1st. proximo at Bureau Hd. Qrs. |

| Feby 25 1869 #24. | Bland James 1 enclo | North Adams. Mass Feby 20th 1869. Desires assistance of the Bureau in ascertaining the whereabouts of his brother Wm Bland and his friends Floyd and Jane Bland, Jack Wervin and others, who when last heard from were residing in Washington Co., Ga. |

| Feby 26th 1869 #25. | Black D. Kenneth A. 1 enclo Feby 26th Referred to C.MO. for examination. March 6th Recd. back with report E.B.p.223 Vol 5. | Fayetteville N.C. Dec 1868. Forwards voucher for $12.00 for medical services & medicines rendered Bt. Maj. Richd. Dillon. |

| Feby 20th 1869 #26. | Botume E. H. Teacher of Harper School. See S 76. 1 enclo Feby 26th Referred to A.C. of S.C. see E.B.p. 317. Vol 5. | Beauford. S.C., Feby 22nd 1869. Reports relative to the refusal of Lt. Stone Asst. Supt. Schools to make some essential repairs to her school house at the "Old Fort Plantation" at that place, notwithstanding the Court's promise. |

| March 18, 1869 #27. | Beck J.B. Hon. 1 enclo. See: E.B. Vol 5. p. 319 | Washington D.C. 1867. Refers letter of H.B. Clay, of Stony Point, Hawkins, Co Tenn. relative to seizure of furniture & c belonging to estate of J.G. Bynum, of Rogersville. Tenn., by U.S. Marshal by whom they were sold as confiscated property at Knoxville. Tenn., and requests that inquiry be made at the proper Dept, as to whether any returns were made of the proceeds of sale of said property, and also, for what amount. Desires that proper reference be made, if not within province of the Comr. to act. |

| March 1st 1869. #28. * | Balloch Geo. W. Genl. and Ch. D. Officer. 1 enclo March 1st Retd. to C.D.O., There is no records that these papers have passed through | Washington. March 1st 1869. Refers for remarks letter James Walden, of Winton. N.C. making inquiry relative to checkbook No. 619. of Nicholas Griest which was placed in hands of H.C. of Va. therein stating that the papers in the case were returned to Comr. July 24th 1866. service which time has been heard from them. |